SciVest Asset Allocation Portfolios
SciVest has created nine (9) unique, balanced, global Asset Allocation Portfolios that allow you to choose a portfolio that best fits your particular investment goals and risk profile.
Each SciVest Asset Allocation Portfolio offers the best level of long-term expected return for its targeted risk profile for the then current economic and market environment.
The SciVest Asset Allocation Portfolios
The Cornerstone of our Investment Platform
Investment Concept
The SciVest Customized Asset Allocation Program provides investors with a pension/endowment investment approach – that is, the Program has a long-term (10+ year), forward-looking investment view implemented using a disciplined, ultra-diversified, index-based investment approach at ultra-low cost. The Program seeks to maximize long-term (10+ year) return for a pre-set fixed overall portfolio “risk budget” which is determined by investor risk tolerance and/or other objectives and constraints. The SciVest Customized Asset Allocation Program’s recommended asset allocation is derived from a quantitative, rules-based investment management approach.
Typically, an investor’s portfolio holdings will consist of 7 to 15 low-cost, liquid ETFs and other funds/strategies (which may also include allocations to SciVest’s single stock strategies). The Program forms the underlying asset allocation basis for most SciVest separately managed accounts.
Investment Objective
The SciVest Customized Asset Allocation Program has the objective of delivering investors long-term capital appreciation and moderate income through investment in a number of asset classes that are captured by a series of index-based ETFs and other funds/strategies.
Investment Risk
SciVest offers multiple asset allocation strategies that emphasize stability, income, and balanced growth - each tailored to different risk levels. These strategies are designed to meet your financial goals while managing varying degrees of risk. See the following slide for our nine risk categories.
Investment Strategy
SciVest's asset allocation strategy aims to invest across the fixed income, equity and alternative macro-asset classes. SciVest currently considers over 100 sub-asset classes for potential inclusion in an investor’s portfolio. Each investor’s portfolio is individually selected from a large number of possibilities, depending upon the individual investor’s risk tolerance and/or other objectives and constraints.
Frequently Asked Questions
What's the minimum account size to start in the Asset Allocation Program?
Asset Allocation portfolios: The account minimum is $5,000. SciVest has created nine (9) unique, balanced, global Asset Allocation Portfolios that allow you to choose a portfolio that best fits your particular investment goals and risk profile. Each SciVest Asset Allocation Portfolio offers the best level of long-term expected return for its targeted risk profile for the then current economic and market environment. -
Is it possible to change my risk profile if my circumstances change?
Certainly. We can definitely change your investment profile at any time, however we do caution clients against changing their investments to accommodate market timing or anticipated short term volatility. Our asset allocation portfolios are constructed utilizing a 10 year forecasting algorithm. For more information on our strategic Investment Beliefs & Philosophies, please request the document through the "About Us" tab. We would be happy to send you a copy with no obligation.
How often are these portfolios rebalanced?
The SciVest Customized Asset Allocation Program’s recommended asset allocation is derived from a quantitative, rules-based investment management approach. Given the broad diversification of the strategically chosen ETFs, turnover is less frequent than an actively managed, individual stock portfolio.
Rebalancing is performed when required sometime between every 6 to 14 months based on the manager's discretion.