SciVest Direct currently offers two Suites of investment strategy portfolios for your SciVest Direct SMA:
(1) a Suite of Balanced Asset Allocation Portfolios, and
(2) a Suite of Individual Stock Portfolios.
Core Investment Principles
With decades of academic and practitioner research, as well as extensive live portfolio management experience, SciVest has developed a comprehensive set of 14 investment principles to manage our clients' portfolios.
Learn more about our philosophies and beliefs!
Asset Allocation Portfolios
SciVest has created nine (9) unique, balanced, global Asset Allocation Portfolios that allow you to choose a portfolio that best fits your particular investment goals and risk profile. Each SciVest Asset Allocation Portfolio offers the best level of long-term expected return for its targeted risk profile for the then current economic and market environment. Discover more today!
Individual Stock Portfolios
SciVest has created eight (8) Individual Stock Portfolios established from three (3) unique, equity-based, investment strategies each specifically designed to meet specific investment objectives. As the name suggests, the SciVest Individual Stock Portfolios each hold a number of stocks in specific proportions to form an overall portfolio. Explore our individual stock portfolios!
Putting it Together
Following a thorough onboarding discussion, SciVest will evaluate a client’s investment objectives, risk tolerance, time horizon, and overall financial health. Collaboratively with the client, we will design a unique portfolio combination that optimally aligns with the client’s goals, liquidity requirements, and tax considerations. Uncover the secrets of combining our various portfolios!